DRET Teaching School Hub

Appropriate Body Services

Appropriate Body Services

The DRET Teaching School Hub provides Appropriate Body services for any ECT commencing their two year induction programme. Our Appropriate Body will work with schools to support ECTs, Induction Tutors and Headteachers throughout the two-year induction. We will also assess that the ECT has been provided with their statutory induction entitlements and review termly progress reviews and end of year assessments from Induction Tutors/Headteacher. We will also quality assure that the ECT has been given an induction programme that it rooted in the Early Career Framework (ECF).

If you have a question or query about our Appropriate Body services, a member of our team can be contacted via. email at appropriatebodyservices@dret.co.uk

Our Appropriate Body Services

When schools register an ECT with us, they will be provided with a copy of our Service Level Agreement which must be accepted by schools for us to be able to process a registration with us. A copy of this agreement can be found by clicking here. This should be read alongside our Appropriate Body handbook.

To register an ECT with us, we have a three-step registration process:

1. Please register your ECT with the Teaching School Hub here.

2. You should complete the DfE Registration form here as soon as possible to secure funding.*

3. Please register for Appropriate Body Services, by clicking here and selecting 'Register Your School’.  

Appropriate Body Services - Key documents

Find in the panel below links to key documents relating to our Appropriate Body Services.

Our Appropriate Body Service Tarriffs

The services we provide as an appropriate body and our tariffs are outlined below.

Upon registering an ECT on our ECT Manager platform (step 3 of our registration process in the section above), schools will be provided with a copy of our Service Level Agreement which must be accepted by schools for us to be able to process a registration with us.

Appropriate Body Services

Cost over 2 years


Funded ECF Provider-Led Programme

(Formally Full Induction Programme)


• AB registration

• Full Induction Programme with Full Appropriate Body Support Services, support, advice and guidance.


Schools deliver their own ECF training using DfE accredited materials and resources

(Formally Core Induction Programme)


• AB registration

• Fidelity check before the start of the induction period by the AB.

• Schools to provide detailed breakdown of the programme for years 1 and 2 showing how the ECF statements are sequenced for the induction period.

• Additional observation(s)/quality assurance of ECF core induction programme throughout the two years.

• Additional support for ECTs not meeting Teacher/Induction Standards


Schools design and deliver their own two-year induction programme for ECTs based on the ECF

(Formally DIY programme)


• AB registration

• Fidelity check before the start of the induction period by the AB.



• ECTs and Mentors receive a programme of support and training based on the ECF induction programme

• The induction’s design covers the evidence-based statements in the ECF

• ECTs have received planned elements of the induction.

• Checks to ensure the materials and sessions are in line with the statutory guidance for induction and meet the ECF standards.

• Ensure ECTs fairly and regularly assessed through collection of monitoring reports and formal assessment points at the end of year 1 and 2 of induction and at interim points.

• Additional observation(s)/quality assurance of ECF school- designed programme throughout the two years.

• Schools to provide detailed breakdown of the programme for years 1 and 2 showing how the ECF statements are sequenced for the induction period year.


Progress Review and Assessment Deadline Dates

For most 2023-25 ECTs these are as follows below. Induction Tutors and ECTs should check ECT Manager for deadlines, particularly in cases of different start dates or if an ECT is part-time:


Document for Completion



Progress Review 1



Progress Review 2



Formal Assessment 1



Progress Review 3



Progress Review 4



Formal Assessment 2




For most 2024-26 ECTs these are as follows below. Induction Tutors and ECTs should check ECT Manager for deadlines, particularly in cases of different start dates or if an ECT is part-time:




Progress Review 1



Progress Review 2



Formal Assessment 1



Progress Review 3



Progress Review 4



Formal Assessment 2




Frequently Asked Questions

We have devised this area of our website to answer some frequently asked questions from ECTs and Induction Tutors. The guidance below is taken from the Statutory Guidance for Induction

How do I register for your Appropriate Body Services?

We have a 3 step process to register ECTs for Appropriate Body Services. All three of these must be completed: 

1. Please register your ECT with the Teaching School Hub here.

2. You should complete the DfE Registration form here as soon as possible to secure funding.*

3. Please register for Appropriate Body Services, by clicking here and selecting 'Register Your School’.  


* You will be required to inform the DfE which cohort your ECT should be registered onto. To help with this please ensure that you are aware of the amount of Induction your ECT has previously served if any. If an ECT has been previously registered with us for the ECF, below would be the cohort choices:

  • 2023 & 2024 Cohort – Brand new to the ECT programme and has not already completed any element of the programme (Lead Delivery Partner is the NIoT)

Where can I find the latest statutory guidance for the Induction of ECTs?

The statutory guidance for the Induction of ECTs can be found by clicking here. New guidance is was updated in April 2024 and can be found in the same link. 

Where can our school find support in writing progress reviews and assessments?

We have provided some examples of these to help support Induction Tutors. These are available here

Progress Reviews

Progress reviews are usually written at the end of Terms 1, 2, 4 and 5. Depending on how far into induction the ECT has progressed, more or less detail may be suitable in progress reviews:

  • Term 1: it is probably most helpful to concentrate on the teacher’s personal and professional conduct and how well the relationships are working.
  • Term 2: it is probably most helpful to consider how likely the teacher is to require additional support and consider their progress across each of the Teachers’ Standards, helping to ensure that there are no surprises when they have their first formal assessment in Term 3.
  • Terms 4 and 5: for teachers who have been consistently on track to meet the Teachers’ Standards, these reviews can afford to be the lightest touch and focus on anything that has emerged to derail progress.

Formal Assessments

Formal assessments are usually written at the end of Years 1 and 2 (Terms 3 and 6). These should be completed by the Induction Tutor.

Evidence for assessments must be drawn from the ECT’s work as a teacher during their induction. To ensure evidence gathering is not burdensome for the ECT, formal assessment meetings should be informed by evidence gathered during progress reviews and assessment periods leading up to the formal assessment. This will consist of existing documents and working documents. There is no need for the ECT to create anything new for the formal assessment, they should draw from their work as a teacher and from their induction programme. Judgements made during the induction period should relate directly to the Teachers’ Standards and should not be made against the ECF.

ECTs should be kept up to date on their progress. There should be nothing unexpected. If an ECT is identified as a school as not on track or a cause for concern at not satisfactorily meeting the Teachers' Standards, the Induction Tutor must inform us immediately with the process for this outlined within our escalation policy.

The final assessment meeting is at the end of the induction period, and will form the basis of the headteacher’s/principal’s recommendation to the appropriate body as to whether, having completed their induction period, the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or whether or not an extension should be considered. This recommendation should be recorded on the final assessment report.

Once assessment reports have been completed, the ECT should add their comments. They should then be signed by the induction tutor, headteacher/principal and the ECT. 

What are the reforms to Appropriate Bodies from September 2023 and September 2024?

From September 2023, the Local Authority (North Lincolnshire Council) will no longer take on any new ECTs for ECT Induction and will not provide AB services for these ECTs. This will mean that from September you must register an ECT’s induction with a local Teaching School Hub, such as the DRET Teaching School Hub. 

From September 2024, Teaching School Hubs will be the providers of AB services. 

  • AB Reforms Key Information: Outlines what you need to know and the actions you need to take for current ECTs registered for AB services with the Local Authority and new ECTs from September 2023. This can be found here.
  • AB Reforms FAQs: Answers to some frequently asked questions from schools regarding the AB reforms can be found here.

 I am an ECT with a concern regarding Induction in my school. What should I do?

Where an ECT has a concern regarding Induction in their school: An ECT is normally expected to raise any concerns about their induction programme with their induction tutor in the first instance. If the matter is not resolved, the ECT may notify us and we will investigate the issues raised. Our processes for cause for concerns can be found within our escalation policy by clicking here

How does our school report that we have a cause for concern with an ECT?

Where an Induction Tutor has a concern regarding an ECT: Where there are concerns regarding an ECT’s progress against the Teacher’s Standards, in the first instance the Induction Tutor should meet with the ECT to raise the concerns and provide the ECT with an appropriate programme of support to address the concerns. Our processes for cause for concerns can be found within our escalation policy by clicking here

Where there is a cause for concern of an ECT being deemed at risk of not meeting the Teachers Standards, the Induction Tutor should:

  1. The Induction Tutor should contact us at appropriatebodyservices@dret.co.uk to make us aware as soon as possible (this should be reported well in advance and ideally not first reported at the deadline of a progress review or formal assessment). We will then arrange a meeting between the Induction Tutor and our Appropriate Body Lead to discuss the concerns and provide the school with support at putting together an appropriate initial support programme. 
  2. Meet with the ECT and ensure they are made aware of the concerns and how they will be supported through the school’s programme of support. Suitable timescales to any actions must be provided to the ECT within the support programme. 
  3. Provide copies of the support programme (see below), agreed with the ECT, to the DRET TSH Appropriate Body Lead. 

We provide for schools two templates for developing a support programme which can be downloaded below. These will be discussed with the Induction Tutor during the initial meeting with our Appropriate Body Lead.

What happens at the end of the Induction period and what is the final recommendation?

An ECT completes their induction period when they have served:

  • the full-time equivalent of two standard school years (usually six terms based on a school year of three terms); or
  • a reduced period of a minimum of one term (as agreed with the DRET TSH Appropriate Body and headteacher) based on previous teaching experience; or
  • a reduced period of induction for part time teachers covering but not equivalent to two years (as agreed with the appropriate body and headteacher); or
  • an extension to that period, as a consequence of absences occurring during the period; or
  • an extension following a decision by the DRET TSH Appropriate Body or the TRA Appeals Body.

The appropriate body makes the final decision as to whether an ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory, drawing on the recommendation of the headteacher.

Within 20 working days of receiving the headteacher’s recommendation, the appropriate body must decide whether the ECT:

  • has performed satisfactorily against the Teachers’ Standards and thereby satisfactorily completed their induction period; or
  • requires an extension of the induction period; or
  • has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period.

In making this decision the appropriate body must consider the headteacher’s recommendation and all available evidence including any written representations from the ECT.

If the headteacher recommends that an ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period, the DRET TSH Appropriate Body will arrange a panel meeting to reach their decision. We would expect that where there are causes for concerns, these are raised well in advance with us (following our cause for concern process outlined within our handbook) so that appropriate support can be put into place.

The process we will follow if a headteacher recommends that an ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period is outlined within our Escalation Policy available by clicking here

What is the process at the end of the Induction period for if a Headteacher recommends that an ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete induction?

If the headteacher recommends that an ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period, the DRET TSH Appropriate Body will arrange a panel meeting to reach their decision. We would expect that where there are causes for concerns, these are raised well in advance with us (following our cause for concern process outlined within our handbook) so that appropriate support can be put into place.

The process we will follow if a headteacher recommends that an ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period is outlined within our Escalation Policy available by clicking here

What is the guidance on absences, what counts and what doesn't and what is the absence threshold?

The induction period is automatically extended prior to completion when an ECT’s absences per year of induction (or equivalent for part-time teachers) total 30 days or more (with the exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, or parental bereavement leave).

In these circumstances the relevant year of induction must be extended by the aggregate total of days absent. If the ECT is unable to serve the extension in the same school/institution, the minimum period of employment of one term or equivalent must be served in a new school/institution.

All absences with the exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, or parental bereavement leave  as set out in the Statutory Induction Guidance will count towards this 30 day threshold. Strike action, jury duty or anything that is not referred to in the Statutory Induction Guidance will count towards the absence total. 

The school should contact and inform the DRET TSH of any ECTs whose absences are likely to total 30 days or more (with the exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, or parental bereavement leave).

What is reduction to induction?

Detail of reduction to induction can be found within the statutory guidance and our handbook (available in the Appropriate Body key documents section above).

In the first instance, the Headteacher and/or Induction Tutor should contact us to inform of the intention to reduce an induction period. We will then provide an application form for this process.

Any applications for reduction must be submitted to us at least 10 working days before the deadline of a progress review or assessment. 

Once an application is submitted to us, our Appropriate Body Lead will review this and arrange to meet with the Headteacher, Induction Tutor and the ECT. The meeting is an opportunity for the evidence referred to in the application to be presented to us before a final decision is made about whether the induction period can be reduced. 

A Headteacher or Induction Tutor considering this process must read through and have followed the statutory guidance on reduction (paragraphs 3.2 to 3.5) before submitting the application. 

 Do you have any resources to help the handover between new and existing Induction Tutors?

We have created this handover document to help support the transition between Induction Tutors.

 Where can I find more information on your ECF programmes?

 More information on our ECF programmes, that are registered for separately to Appropriate Body Services, can be found by clicking here.

What do Induction Tutors need to do if an ECT is leaving or due to leave the school during the Induction period?

If an ECT is due to leave the school, the Induction Tutor should contact us at appropriatebodyservices@dret.co.uk and request a withdrawal form. This should then be returned to us detailing the leaving date and reason for withdrawal.