DRET Teaching School Hub Policies
DRET TSH Safeguarding appendix 2024/2025
DRET TSH Privacy notice 2023/2024
The Teaching School Hub Office is on the site of Havelock Academy. Please find relevant policies, including the Havelock Academy's Safeguarding and Protection Policy below:
Alongside DRET Teaching School Hub's own individual policies, please find policies that apply to the Teaching School Hub from the Trust below:
David Ross Education Trust - Policies - DRET
The Trust has policies that run across every academy in the Trust. Individual academies also have policies determined locally. These policies can be found on the websites for the individual academies, and include behaviour and admissions.
National Institute of Teaching Policies
NIoT Engagement, deferral, withdrawal policy for NPQs
Our policies and procedures – The National Institute of Teaching (niot.org.uk)
Ambition Institute Policies
Ambition Institute Assessment Appeals Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all summative assessments within Ambition Institute are a reliable indicator that the intended programme and assessment standards have been met. We seek to achieve these standards by laying out a robust process that will lead to fair and consistent marking practices.
Ambition Institute Plagiarism Policy
The objective of this policy is to ensure that all participants on our programmes or those completing a programme through our alliance partners are aware of the consequences of any form of plagiarism when submitting written assignments and course content for assessment.
Ambition Institute Complaints Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that complaints are dealt with in an appropriate manner. The complaints policy and procedure is accessible to all, and all complaints are handled in a fair, consistent and timely way.
This policy allows for all stakeholders and learners to log a formal or informal complaint should they have a need to.